In The Long Way Home, Armand Gamache, former Chief Inspector of Homicide with the Sûreté du Québec, has found a peace he’d only imagined possible in his retirement in Three Pines. But the search for a missing villager leads him deeper and deeper into the wilderness. If it’s been awhile since you’ve read the tenth book in the series, we invite you to refresh your memory of the novel with our Re-Read led by Paul Hochman. You can also learn more about the real-life inspirations behind the settings and cultural references in the book, try a recipe the characters enjoy in The Long Way Home, and explore more of all things The Long Way Home here at
“I believe in using your head. But not in spending too much time in there. Fear lives in the head. And courage lives in the heart. The job is to get from one to the other.” This reminds us of a famous quote: “To think too much is a disease.” Who said this? Let us know your guesses in the comments. No Googling!
Living in the United States at this time with the election coming up, a lot of us are living in fear of what could happen in the future. But we must show courage and vote to keep Democracy.
It also reminds us to not believe everything your mind says…trust your gut and heart.
This really focuses us to remember to move forward without additional fear
Drives home the point you can overthink almost anything.
In this world today we all need courage and kindness…both which come from the heart!
Never truer than now. Thanks.