Join us here in The Bistro for a discussion on the entire Gamache series. Feel free to ask or answer any questions about any of the books or the series as a whole.
3,673 replies on “The Bistro”
I have been rereading posts from the beginning of the discussion and I am amazed, so perceptive and beautifully expressed. I hope some readers who were initially disappointed in TLWH have or will read those posts. Sometimes when I resist a change, shifting my perspective by one small notch makes everything fall into place.
Meg, a phrase you used has been making me smile since I read it, “shiny drugstore books.” I can’t walk past shiny drugstore/grocery store/airport books without being pulled aside. Perfect description!
Paul, Thank you, Thank You. Not only do we have this site to continue our discussions, but the welcoming picture to remind us Three Piners of the Bistro. Who would have thought of all the reread turned into. Again, deepest thanks to you. Also Thanks to LP and her awesome talent. Without her none of this world of Three Pines would exist.
Thanks for being here, Barbara.
My thanks also to Paul and to Louise. Who could have imagined that this group would take such joy in discussing her books that we’ve become “Three Piners” and didn’t want to let it go. I think having “The Bistro” is perfect, not only to discuss the books, but to keep in touch with each other. People in this little community have shared a lot of personal things about their lives. It’s wonderful that they have felt themselves in such a safe place with such caring friends. If I were an author and my books generated such a response, I would be totally amazed! Although we don’t see Louise, we certainly care for her too.
My pleasure, Sylvia.
I am posting in response to Linda’s remarks on the Reading Group Guide page about Ruth’s poem in relation to both Peter and Jean-Guy. When Ruth explained that she had written it for Peter, I remembered immediately about her having given it to Jean-Guy. As always with Louise’s writing, it made me feel more than I think I have writing ability to express–I’m not nearly as articulate as some of the posters on this forum–but I’m going to try. I think that perhaps the similarities between Peter and Jean-Guy don’t so much point to the future, but are drawing attention to the fact both of them began very closed off from their hearts and have been on a journey to reconnect with their emotional selves(Jean-Guy almost from the beginning of the series, but Peter only since Clara told him to leave). I think their two journeys also connect to the ideas of fate/luck/chance/self-determination embodied in the story about Samara. Though they started at a similar place, Jean-Guy and Peter ended up in very different circumstances. Jean-Guy is facing a happy future(though of course there will be struggles and setbacks, because life is like that) and Peter is dead. Is it just luck? Both of them had encounters with violent criminals, but Jean-Guy lived. Jean-Guy also survived his addictions when many others don’t. Or maybe it’s the differences between them. It always seemed to me that Jean-Guy had switched off his emotions because he couldn’t deal with the ugliness he saw in his work if he had to feel it, but that Peter was emotionally stunted because of his cold and unloving family. Jean-Guy kept reaching for emotional connections,though hestitantly–to Gamache, to Ruth, to Annie–almost despite himself. But Peter would probably have gone on just as he was if Clara hadn’t gotten fed up. Also, though the poem was about Peter, he probably didn’t know it that it was. In order to properly put the poem together, Jean-Guy had to really engage with it and absorb the message that love can heal the damage inflicted by senseless cruelty. Even though I’ve gone on at great length, I’m not sure I’ve said what I intended, but I hope this makes some sense.
You expressed it beautifully!
When Gamache stated that Peter was on a quest to rediscover his heart Ruth said he was on a quest to discover his heart. A person could not rediscover something they had never once found.
Ruth has always had an affinity for Jean Guy and has seemed like a watch person over his heart and soul through several books. It was she who placed her most cherished Rosa in Jean Guy’s arms and reminded him of that Deity that could also heal.
Both Jean Guy and Peter are eventually healed, each made their way down treacherous roads. Jean Guy was forced to shoot the one person he most cared for, and Peter gave his life for the one he most loved.
For those who don’t recall the poem in question:
I just sit where I am put, composed
Of stone and wishful thinking:
that deity who kills for pleasure
Will also heal
That in the midst of your nightmare,
The final one, a kind lion
Will come with bandages in her mouth
And the soft body of a woman
And lick you clean of fever,
And pick your soul up gently
By the nape of the neck
And caress you into darkness
And paradise.
Though not printed in its entirety in TLWH, it was this poem that showed, to me, the miracle of Ruth. For Jean Guy it was a warning. For Peter It was as though she knew the end from the beginning.
Peter found his heart just before he was stabbed in the heart. In the midst of his final nightmare Clara picked him up gently and caressed him into darkness and paradise.
Thanks Linda, more clarity. Didn’t see your comment till after I posted mine. So many paths to understanding what Louise makes us feel…
Thank you Linda for sharing that wonderful poem, I enjoyed it again today when I was reading your comment. Gigi
Lynne, makes perfect sense and very well said. Great job! (And please don’t doubt your ability to be articulate – you just proved you are! :-)) It was what I was starting to think too, but you highlighted so much more than I ever would have thought of. I was noticing other things as I reread the last few chapters of TBT. It’s the only LP book I’ve read only once – it hurt too much to see Olivier become an ‘outsider’ – ‘beyond the pale’…
I loved how you said these books make us “feel” so much. Very true for me. So I decided to reread the last few chapters…
I had completely forgotten that Clara had painted herself. Thérèse Brunel says “The Fall. My God, you’ve painted the Fall. That moment. She’s not even aware of it, is she? Not really, but she sees something, a hint of the horror to come. The Fall from Grace.” Then asks Clara what she is afraid of: “I’m afraid of not recognizing Paradise.”
That’s right before Jean Guy pieces the entire poem together. He’s already recognized that Annie is Paradise for him, not Enid. I totally agree with you that Jean Guy took a very long way home but made it out on the other side of his nightmare.
There’s another mention of ‘living everyone’s nightmare’ in TLWH, but I’m tired and don’t recall exactly where… Tomorrow?
Thank you to Millie and Linda and anyone else for your kind comments about my post. I think I will probably be joining in more since the discussion has become more general; sometimes before my thoughts didn’t fit within the boundaries of the discussion questions, and I didn’t want to derail things. It would be nice if there was some 3 Pines fan out there who had the skill to build an actual discussion forum with separate threads for various topics. It would be easier to follow things that way.
Millie, Annie was Jean-Guy’s “kind lion” – she has been thought of as a lion from when she was very young. It was key that when Jean-Guy returned to consciousness, it was Annie who was holding his hand, not Enid. In fact, if it had been Enid, he said he wouldn’t have bothered to return.
Lynne you are perfectly articulate. Seems we all have such self doubt as another commonality of Three Piners. The mere act of composing the post is often how the thoughts start to pull together.
I doubt I make much sense at the moment, I am having trouble finding my words, but I wanted to say hi and thank you Paul for flinging open the doors.
Anna, you expressed what I’ve been thinking , “The mere act of composing the post is often how the thoughts start to pull together.” Also, someone else’s response often takes me where I needed to go next.
Sorry this is a hard time for you. I got up to have a cup of camomile tea and graham crackers. I went out and rifled through the car until I found the box of graham crackers that I KNEW I bought today! Hug your dear 13 year old daughter who is not at the easiest age to be and remember that both you and your mom are likely to be surprised by joy sometimes in the next days and weeks. My best thoughts are with you.
Thank you Barbara. I giggled at the image of you rummaging in the car, perhaps muttering as I would “I know they are here somewhere, unless aliens have a taste for Graham Crackers!” We know what they are but can’t get them here so making s’mores is tricky!
Hugged the not so little girl a lot yesterday as she went on the train for a four day school adventure. Missing her buckets.
Mum not settling but they will move her to the dementia unit today or tomorrow.
We have been surprised by Joy at odd times. The kindness of different nursing staff, meeting other sweet residents, and the amazing thing is that a spot even opened in the dementia unit in a timely way and we were offered it. If I take a glass half full approach, these are all good things but it’s still emotionally very challenging.
It is so lovely to come here and just be me for a while. I was getting a little panicky as last week drew to a close wondering what would happen but I did trust Paul, thank you.
Sorry Cathryne, I meant you. Will post to Barbara bow and try not to call her Cathryne!!
Now! Not bow! Eh gads Lynne, please don’t ever question your ability to be articulate, obviously it hasn’t stopped me posting……
ANNA, you made me laugh! And LYNNE, ‘derail-a-topic’ could be my middle name! Didn’t stop me either! I even thanked Paul once for so graciously allowing me to be so “off topic”. His reply was that there was no ‘off topic’ among friends. 🙂
I think a lot of us are ‘Surprised by Joy’ of having this little community to go to.
If I may offer a suggestion… Some comments go unnoticed because of the need to scroll back. If everyone just added their comment to the bottom and referenced the person, or comment then everyone could go to where they left off reading and no one would ‘run out’ of where to comment. Just an idea. Any thoughts on this approach?
Made my heart smile to see you stop by the Bistro, Anna. 🙂 I read once, “I don’t know what I’m thinking until I write it down and read it.” I don’t remember who said it but it rang true for me – probably why I ramble on so much. I can relate to what you said; just trying to pull my thoughts together. And that’s getting harder. The doctors have started me on physical therapy to me sure I maintain muscle strength in other areas. I feel like ET – Ouch. I wake up often at night thinking, well THIS position hurts. :-/ But I’m trying to write every day – if only a few dozen words. They are a dog’s breakfast but it’s something. Hope you are writing too. We can do this!
And hope you’re mom is adjusting to her place now and you’re getting a bit more rest. Big hug!
Hi, Millie. I hope the aches and pains lessen. Physical Therapy can be such a “Pain”.
In a posting on the previous site you mentioned studying a type of meditation. Two ideas: Your interests seem very varied which makes for an interesting person. When I read about “confusion”, I had a laugh. Now I know I’m not just confused but in a high state of consciousness. Always enjoy your thoughts.
Barbara, I laughed at your “interesting person” comment. My husband uses the word “interesting” when he is trying to being polite and doesn’t want to come right out and say he doesn’t like something. lololol 🙂
Oh dear Millie, I am glad you are having therapy but the pain is not nice. Make sure you have some regular pain relief and that you are kind to yourself in other ways as this part of the process can be tiring, even though it is progress.
Good girl for writing, I was so pleased to hear that. I hadn’t done any for a week…..couldn’t think of anything but Mum, but I gave my brother the first part of the book. He has encouraged me to go back and look at what I had done so I started editing a bit last night. Actually the break has been good to see things more clearly. Hearing you are writing has further inspired me to keep trying. Thanks Millie.
My husband is reading TLWH now. Funny though but he doesn’t analyse like we do, just reads. I am going to re read again so I can be more useful in discussion.
Perhaps he also absorbs as he reads. He just doesn’t analyze out loud?
Good Morning, Anna. I hope today will be a good one for you and your family. Posting really does help me to sort out what I think. I am amazed at the insights of others. I truly think I am learning to read with more care. I often read fiction and nonfiction with a certain goal in mind and pass over other components. It is like one reads when researching a very narrow idea. I look forward to reading with “new eyes”.
It’s funny Barbara but I often read, not for a specific goal at all but find common threads between one area of reading and another. I am a synthesizer, I look for connections.
Thank you for kind thoughts as always. So nice to check in and find so many well wishers. I can’t say how lovely that is, just to be able to be somewhere kind.
Hi, Lynne. Sometimes after I comment, I reread it and wonder if I said what I wanted to say. You’ve probably noticed that we sometimes add clarifications in another post. I agree that Jean Guy had turned his emotions off to be able to endure all he saw. Poor Peter had not developed emotionally because of his mother.
Glad you joined in. Look forward to your future posts.
Hi everyone, I’m very happy to see you all at The Bistro and I’m tickled to death to find we can order “Vive Gamache” mugs! Thanks, Julie, for telling us where to get them.
I was thinking about Jean-Guy and his emotional difficulties, and realizing that we actually know very little about his own background. There have been hints that his young days were not particularly happy ones, so maybe his family stunted his emotional growth in their particular way, just as Peter’s family had stunted his. Something in his background had left him so angry that he became impossible to work with, which is why he was stuck down in the evidence room when Gamache found him. He has changed a lot in TLWH, I find. He seems much more gentle and kind. Loving Annie and being loved back, no doubt is a big factor in that change.
Well, the part about Peter just going on being Peter made sense to me. 🙂
Lynne, I’m not certain my reply to you is where it belongs. I hope you find it!
Katy Gibbs here again. – I was wrong it was Nathaniel Parker – I could not get very much into
The movie mostly because Gamache did not have a British accent. I hope Molina does. Has Louise ever commented on this movie Still Life 2013?
I have arrived very late to this forum and am so grateful to have finally found it. Your drawing attention to the parallels between Jean Guy and Peter are something I wouldn’t have thought of…so a belated thanks.
Where can I buy the vive Gamache mugs? My brother-in-law and I are both Louise Penny readers and I want one for him for a Christmas gift. And one for me because…
Thank you so much for the link. I just ordered my own mug and tote.
A word to the wise! I love my Gamache/Three Pines mug but must advise that a dishwasher will eventually cause the stencils to disappear. Washing by hand is the way to go.
Funny story. I was in an old fashioned candy store. I saw the licorice pipes and bought one to enjoy while reading the new book. I totally forgot about it till I came across it the other day. I’ll have to enjoy here at the bistro now. Lol
Perfect timing!
Also put the series’ audio books on your Christmas list! They’re a treasure!!
Julie, page 3, 7th down, Linda’s post starts a discussion about Massey keeping one painting of Norman’s in his studio.
Yes, fine with me to continue here.
Ah – yes – thank you, Cathryne. I didn’t give this much thought as I read it (either time), but now, you are making me think, Linda! I halfway imagine that he hoped that people would think it was his, but of course, it HAD to be eating him up inside to see it every day. I would think it would fester and drive him even further into madness. You’d think it would be so painful that he would get rid of it. Someone said, but I can’t remember who – or even if it was part of a discussion here, or in the book – that maybe he couldn’t because he had to acknowledge that it was great art. He might have wanted to throw it away, but just couldn’t bring himself to. I don’t know if I think that. I do think he recognized how great it was, but whether he had enough sensitivity to not be able to destroy something beautiful, I somehow don’t think so…
Cathryne – thanks for the “review” on the coffee mugs – I often wonder about such things. I just watched “Still Life” on Acorn TV – and I see why Louise was not as pleased as she’d hoped. She has never come out and said she didn’t like what they did, but she has hinted at it by saying she finally felt that she had to “distance herself” from the production. I would think it would be very, very hard to see your creation taken up by others and dressed up a little differently. I’ve been watching “Outlander”, and I know that Diana Gabaldon had a lot of input into the series, and it shows – while it’s not the book, word for word, the feel is just right, and the casting is sublime!
I know a lot of people thought Nathanial Hawthorne would be their ideal choice for Gamache, and he was great, but pretty much the whole rest of the movie was mis-cast. I know a movie can’t possibly match what I have in my minds’ eye, but I feel like the producers just completely ignored the descriptions of people, and subsequently, the “feel” was all wrong. Of course, there were things that had to be toned down (Ruth’s language, and a lot of Gabri and Olivier’s dialog), all together – it was kind of unsettling. Like the story had been usurped and put someplace other than three pines…. such a shame. I really wanted to like it.
I very seldom see a movie before I read a book because I feel like the movie is never as good as the book, and so can act just as a “spoiler”, but even so – lots of times, I’ve enjoyed both the book and the movie. I wish this was one of those times, but it’s not.
I’m so often disappointed in the movies made from books I like that I’m not sure I’d even want to view this. For instance, why tone down Ruth’s language? I guess they could “bleep” it out as they do on The Daily Show, but that’s Ruth, that’s the character. Sigh …
Karen, I had made up my mind early on that I would probably not watch the movies. This series is so full of characters I’ve come to know and love. Louise Penny’s descriptive language could not begin to be captured on the screen without scrambling my own perceptions and ideas. Ruth’s language is part of who she is. Gamache’s strength is as much a part of what defines him as is his gentle tenderness, not only to his loved ones but to people he comes to know throughout each book.
There is so much “feeling” and mystery I’d like to just keep it on the printed page and in my mind.
Barbara, I agree so completely. Plus, I was very disappointed that Amazon Prime is the venue for the films. I feel like that’s a slap in the face of Independent book stores that helped spread the love of Gamache and Three Pines.
I did see the movie and I think it was a mistake. I would rather it would be a series, like Midsomer Murders which I have enjoyed for years.
Nathaniel Hawthorne? You mean Parker! He is a lovely actor and probably just about OK for Gamache but, as you say, the rest were horribly miscast. At least the story was almost correct. I’ve watched adaptions of books by P D James and Rosamund Pilcher where the only connection with the original was the name of the characters. The adaptors had the sauce to tell me that they had improved on the story! Why, then, buy it in the first place? Never mind, we can now look forward to “The Beast”. Here, in England, my copy is already on order.
Funny, I just stumbled onto Still Life on Netflix the other night, and thought Parker was the WORST casting mistake of all. The others — well, I could live with the choices even if they weren’t the people I’d have ‘seen.’ Gamache to my mind looks a bit like pictures of Einstein when he was in his 40s–mustached, a little rumpled, but absolutely a gentleman and a scholar with a kindly, wise, and thoughtful face. Jean-Guy, a younger Kevin Spacey. Others? They look like neighbors and friends I know. The Gabri of this production was only a tiny bit plump, while his partner looked cadaverous. Of course turning the books into a movie 90 minutes long means a lot of plot pruning, and that doesn’t work well either.
it was Nathaniel Parker who played Gamache
I prefer to read the books, I can visualize the people and the videos just lead to disappointment. We probably see the backgrounds and personalities differently, so it is nice not to have to accept another’s view.
I also do not watch a movie before reading a book that I really like. In my case, it’s not like….but love….I really love the Three Pines Mysteries. I was very curious about how the movie “Still Life” might be carried out… I actually bought the DVD (and still own it) and my husband & I watched it together. It was indeed a disappointment because it was definitely not done the way I would have liked….especially the ending. 🙁 I wish I could have been the casting director because most of the characters do not match the visualizations in my mind. I’m sorry my husband was introduced to a Louise Penny story in this manner (he is not an avid reader like myself). I can see how it must have been so hard for Louise to see what they were doing to her story and I am so sorry for her. However, this is what happens when you sell rights to your story. I certainly hope there will never be another movie made from any of her other books. — Finally, when I’m really into a book I can visualize every character just the way I want them to be. It’s so disappointing when they do not match my images. This happened many years ago when the first “Godfather” movie was made. Al Pacino was wonderful in these movies but he was not at all how I had pictured Michael Corleone while I was reading the book. — I cherish all my Armand Gamache/Three Pines mysteries….keep them coming, Louise. 🙂
If you’re also a fan of Michael Connelly, I hope you have seen the excellent job of bringing his Bosch series to TV. It’s on Amazon, so nothing had to be toned down, and Connelly was actively involved. I’ve never seen such perfect casting. They have really brought the books to life.
Eugenia, I completely agree about ‘Bosch’! It’s a winner of a screen adaptation. I have read a number of Connoly’s books only after discovering the character through the TV series. The author is an executive producer of the show, so he’s done a great job of maintaining creative control and realizing his vision. He was recently a guest host on TCM, picking crime story films all day and discussing his choices between films with the lovely and talented Ben Mankiewicz. MC has a real knack for connecting character and story and performer. The series has a great visual sensibility and wonderful soundtrack as well. Not many authors get this much say in bringing their work to the screen; he’s made the most of the opportunity.
I didn’t know about this series being produced for film! I would be afraid to watch it and have all my wonderful personal images and knowledge, and VOICES, of the beloved Three Pines characters and residents “tampered with”. I say, “voices” because I’ve only ever listened to the series! The narrator, Ralph Cosham, hits a homerun on each and every Book and character. I highly recommend listening to this series–once, twice, etc., now and in the years to come. Im so happy I have all my friends with me. I purchased them all through They are mine forever.
I was excited to see the “Still Life” movie, and then so disappointed when I did. The characters were not at all as they “should” have been. Maybe someone will redo it and do it “right”.
? In it to win it all
LP has said publicly she hated Still Life and that’s why she insisted on some control over the new one – as far as actors, story etc Time will tell
L P hated still life . This new one she was wise enough to retain creative control over the story line and the actors. Hopefully we will all be happy.
Hi Cathryne, just posted a note on thoughts regarding Jean Guy on the previous thread when I saw Paul’s comment that the Bistro was open. Love the photo – a chair by the fireplace. How perfect. Big hug of thank you, Paul!
OK, I’ll have to order some mugs. One, I love mugs and two I want to know what a licorice pipe is! 😉
Cathryne, should we continue the discussion here? I found your and Linda’s lasts comments thought provoking and would like to follow them through a bit more.
I’m loving it! Thank you, Paul – this is perfect! Linda, and Cathryne – I’d like to continue whatever conversations here – I’ve somehow gotten lost on the last threads – I see there are more comments by the number listed, but I can’t seem to find the new ones. Must be that “high state of confusion”!
It had gotten hard to find the new comments. I found myself searching for one I had read but didn’t have time to comment on till later. Took several searches to find it. This site is great.
Licorise pipes. Black licorice pipe with red candy beads, ones used to decorate cookies, glued into the bowl of the pipe.
I loved black licorice pipes when I was pregnant-an absolute craving.
One day my husband purchased an entire box of the black things and it was heaven-better even if they are stale.
I just want to say that I ordered 2 Vive Gamache mugs a couple of months ago and I love them, the quality, the size, shape, and especially the three pine trees. They came right away and, enclosed, was a licorice pipe! It was such a nice surprise that I shared half with my husband. We agreed, delicious!
Where did you order the mugs?
Hello Joyce, I am wondering where your purchased the mugs. Thanks! Pat
This is my email order contact for the mugs.
We have been inundated with orders for mugs since our favourite author posted that we sell them in her newsletter. We have unfortunately run out of stock of the mugs. We are expecting a new shipment of mugs to arrive on December 8th.
The Three Pines cafe au lait mugs sell for $20. Shipping one mug to On adds $11 or $13 for two. You can view the products on our web page or by going to the following link:
I have just recently stumbled upon these novels/author. I am anxious to read the first book, still life. I am an avid reader and glad to have found this forum.
Don’t hesitate! Armand Gamache series is second to none. Even better than, or in addition to, reading this series is to LISTEN to the audio books. It will enhance your appreciation of all the characters. And you’ll get to know each of them intimately.
I, too, listen to the audiobooks on my daily commute to school. I really miss Ralph Cosham, but will get used to the new reader. I do, however, cringe every time the new reader pronounces surete. I listened to a French dictionary and the correct pronunciation is like Ralph’s.
I miss Ralph! Why not replace him with a Quebecois actor/voice talent? It seems an elegant solution. I find it extremely jarring to hear the voice of Gamache sound like he just walked out of Downtown Abby… which he did. It’s an insult to 3 Pines, and all of French speaking Canada.
I miss Ralph! Why not replace him with a Quebecois actor/voice talent? It seems an elegant solution. I find it extremely jarring to hear the voice of Gamache sound like he just walked out of Downton Abby… which he did. It’s an insult to 3 Pines, and all of French speaking Canada.
Robert Bathurst valiantly took on the reading of the Inspector Gamache books following Ralph Cosham’s death. I was a great fan of Mr. Cosham, for this series and many other books, and was awfully sad to hear of his passing.
Please open your mind to a different narrator. Mr. Bathurst is excellent, and carries on the legacy with honors. He was a cast member of Downton Abbey and quite an accomplished actor. He brings much to the continuing enjoyment of the Inspector Gamache novels.
I HATE the way Bathurst narrates Gabri. Changed the whole character. It stinks.
Yes, yes, yes!!! Listen to them! I have done that with most of the books, and now am reading through the series.
Ditto! Once Roger passed, I couldn’t imagine listening to “imposters” living the lives of my beloved Three Pines residents. And Ruth! No one can do Ruth better than Roger Cosham, ma he RIP.
Now, I only read the new books. And I listen to the original narrator, Roger Cosham, religiously over and over. They are all in my audio library from I love these people! Ralph brought them to life beautifully. Each one has his or her own voice and nuances and attitudes. Thank you, Ralph.
Why did they replace Ralph as the reader?? I am not sure I will ever adapt to the new reader. I am now reading THE LONG WAY HOME and thank goodness Ralph is the narrator.
It is so interesting to have Gamache and wife living there. Bravo to Penny for coming up with this book. I never want the series to end.
I may just give up on the audio books with the change of narrator….I just cannot get used to Armand sounding as if he just stepped out of an English novel…hello…he is French! Couldn’t we have found someone who carried on with the French accent?
Where are comments from the last 5 years? Hello? No Armand is NOT French! Where did u get that idea?
When I first happened upon these books by Louise Penny it was the audio version of “How The Light Gets In”. My life has not been the same since.
Somehow, the comments early on here are jumbled up and not in any order, really, at all. Anyone who would like to make a comment and have those of us still in the Bistro see it and talk with you about the books, please just go to the bottom of the page and write in the blank there – it SHOULD then track to the bottom of page 81, where we’ll all see it. There are a few of us who are hanging around in the Bistro every day, amusing ourselves with talk of other books, other things, writing stories, etc. – we’d love to have you drop in and bring up talk of any of the books (or any other thing, really). So, rather than reply to a person or a specific post, just go to the bottom of the page and reply there – and we should see it right at the end. C’mon in… the water’s fine.
Is there a search feature for specific topics?
I’m so thrilled to have found ‘The Nature of the Feast’,
as this gift to readers answered multiple questions at once.
Kind regards,
3,673 replies on “The Bistro”
I have been rereading posts from the beginning of the discussion and I am amazed, so perceptive and beautifully expressed. I hope some readers who were initially disappointed in TLWH have or will read those posts. Sometimes when I resist a change, shifting my perspective by one small notch makes everything fall into place.
Meg, a phrase you used has been making me smile since I read it, “shiny drugstore books.” I can’t walk past shiny drugstore/grocery store/airport books without being pulled aside. Perfect description!
Paul, Thank you, Thank You. Not only do we have this site to continue our discussions, but the welcoming picture to remind us Three Piners of the Bistro. Who would have thought of all the reread turned into. Again, deepest thanks to you. Also Thanks to LP and her awesome talent. Without her none of this world of Three Pines would exist.
Thanks for being here, Barbara.
My thanks also to Paul and to Louise. Who could have imagined that this group would take such joy in discussing her books that we’ve become “Three Piners” and didn’t want to let it go. I think having “The Bistro” is perfect, not only to discuss the books, but to keep in touch with each other. People in this little community have shared a lot of personal things about their lives. It’s wonderful that they have felt themselves in such a safe place with such caring friends. If I were an author and my books generated such a response, I would be totally amazed! Although we don’t see Louise, we certainly care for her too.
My pleasure, Sylvia.
I am posting in response to Linda’s remarks on the Reading Group Guide page about Ruth’s poem in relation to both Peter and Jean-Guy. When Ruth explained that she had written it for Peter, I remembered immediately about her having given it to Jean-Guy. As always with Louise’s writing, it made me feel more than I think I have writing ability to express–I’m not nearly as articulate as some of the posters on this forum–but I’m going to try. I think that perhaps the similarities between Peter and Jean-Guy don’t so much point to the future, but are drawing attention to the fact both of them began very closed off from their hearts and have been on a journey to reconnect with their emotional selves(Jean-Guy almost from the beginning of the series, but Peter only since Clara told him to leave). I think their two journeys also connect to the ideas of fate/luck/chance/self-determination embodied in the story about Samara. Though they started at a similar place, Jean-Guy and Peter ended up in very different circumstances. Jean-Guy is facing a happy future(though of course there will be struggles and setbacks, because life is like that) and Peter is dead. Is it just luck? Both of them had encounters with violent criminals, but Jean-Guy lived. Jean-Guy also survived his addictions when many others don’t. Or maybe it’s the differences between them. It always seemed to me that Jean-Guy had switched off his emotions because he couldn’t deal with the ugliness he saw in his work if he had to feel it, but that Peter was emotionally stunted because of his cold and unloving family. Jean-Guy kept reaching for emotional connections,though hestitantly–to Gamache, to Ruth, to Annie–almost despite himself. But Peter would probably have gone on just as he was if Clara hadn’t gotten fed up. Also, though the poem was about Peter, he probably didn’t know it that it was. In order to properly put the poem together, Jean-Guy had to really engage with it and absorb the message that love can heal the damage inflicted by senseless cruelty. Even though I’ve gone on at great length, I’m not sure I’ve said what I intended, but I hope this makes some sense.
You expressed it beautifully!
When Gamache stated that Peter was on a quest to rediscover his heart Ruth said he was on a quest to discover his heart. A person could not rediscover something they had never once found.
Ruth has always had an affinity for Jean Guy and has seemed like a watch person over his heart and soul through several books. It was she who placed her most cherished Rosa in Jean Guy’s arms and reminded him of that Deity that could also heal.
Both Jean Guy and Peter are eventually healed, each made their way down treacherous roads. Jean Guy was forced to shoot the one person he most cared for, and Peter gave his life for the one he most loved.
For those who don’t recall the poem in question:
I just sit where I am put, composed
Of stone and wishful thinking:
that deity who kills for pleasure
Will also heal
That in the midst of your nightmare,
The final one, a kind lion
Will come with bandages in her mouth
And the soft body of a woman
And lick you clean of fever,
And pick your soul up gently
By the nape of the neck
And caress you into darkness
And paradise.
Though not printed in its entirety in TLWH, it was this poem that showed, to me, the miracle of Ruth. For Jean Guy it was a warning. For Peter It was as though she knew the end from the beginning.
Peter found his heart just before he was stabbed in the heart. In the midst of his final nightmare Clara picked him up gently and caressed him into darkness and paradise.
Thanks Linda, more clarity. Didn’t see your comment till after I posted mine. So many paths to understanding what Louise makes us feel…
Thank you Linda for sharing that wonderful poem, I enjoyed it again today when I was reading your comment. Gigi
Lynne, makes perfect sense and very well said. Great job! (And please don’t doubt your ability to be articulate – you just proved you are! :-)) It was what I was starting to think too, but you highlighted so much more than I ever would have thought of. I was noticing other things as I reread the last few chapters of TBT. It’s the only LP book I’ve read only once – it hurt too much to see Olivier become an ‘outsider’ – ‘beyond the pale’…
I loved how you said these books make us “feel” so much. Very true for me. So I decided to reread the last few chapters…
I had completely forgotten that Clara had painted herself. Thérèse Brunel says “The Fall. My God, you’ve painted the Fall. That moment. She’s not even aware of it, is she? Not really, but she sees something, a hint of the horror to come. The Fall from Grace.” Then asks Clara what she is afraid of: “I’m afraid of not recognizing Paradise.”
That’s right before Jean Guy pieces the entire poem together. He’s already recognized that Annie is Paradise for him, not Enid. I totally agree with you that Jean Guy took a very long way home but made it out on the other side of his nightmare.
There’s another mention of ‘living everyone’s nightmare’ in TLWH, but I’m tired and don’t recall exactly where… Tomorrow?
Thank you to Millie and Linda and anyone else for your kind comments about my post. I think I will probably be joining in more since the discussion has become more general; sometimes before my thoughts didn’t fit within the boundaries of the discussion questions, and I didn’t want to derail things. It would be nice if there was some 3 Pines fan out there who had the skill to build an actual discussion forum with separate threads for various topics. It would be easier to follow things that way.
Millie, Annie was Jean-Guy’s “kind lion” – she has been thought of as a lion from when she was very young. It was key that when Jean-Guy returned to consciousness, it was Annie who was holding his hand, not Enid. In fact, if it had been Enid, he said he wouldn’t have bothered to return.
Lynne you are perfectly articulate. Seems we all have such self doubt as another commonality of Three Piners. The mere act of composing the post is often how the thoughts start to pull together.
I doubt I make much sense at the moment, I am having trouble finding my words, but I wanted to say hi and thank you Paul for flinging open the doors.
Anna, you expressed what I’ve been thinking , “The mere act of composing the post is often how the thoughts start to pull together.” Also, someone else’s response often takes me where I needed to go next.
Sorry this is a hard time for you. I got up to have a cup of camomile tea and graham crackers. I went out and rifled through the car until I found the box of graham crackers that I KNEW I bought today! Hug your dear 13 year old daughter who is not at the easiest age to be and remember that both you and your mom are likely to be surprised by joy sometimes in the next days and weeks. My best thoughts are with you.
Thank you Barbara. I giggled at the image of you rummaging in the car, perhaps muttering as I would “I know they are here somewhere, unless aliens have a taste for Graham Crackers!” We know what they are but can’t get them here so making s’mores is tricky!
Hugged the not so little girl a lot yesterday as she went on the train for a four day school adventure. Missing her buckets.
Mum not settling but they will move her to the dementia unit today or tomorrow.
We have been surprised by Joy at odd times. The kindness of different nursing staff, meeting other sweet residents, and the amazing thing is that a spot even opened in the dementia unit in a timely way and we were offered it. If I take a glass half full approach, these are all good things but it’s still emotionally very challenging.
It is so lovely to come here and just be me for a while. I was getting a little panicky as last week drew to a close wondering what would happen but I did trust Paul, thank you.
Sorry Cathryne, I meant you. Will post to Barbara bow and try not to call her Cathryne!!
Now! Not bow! Eh gads Lynne, please don’t ever question your ability to be articulate, obviously it hasn’t stopped me posting……
ANNA, you made me laugh! And LYNNE, ‘derail-a-topic’ could be my middle name! Didn’t stop me either! I even thanked Paul once for so graciously allowing me to be so “off topic”. His reply was that there was no ‘off topic’ among friends. 🙂
I think a lot of us are ‘Surprised by Joy’ of having this little community to go to.
If I may offer a suggestion… Some comments go unnoticed because of the need to scroll back. If everyone just added their comment to the bottom and referenced the person, or comment then everyone could go to where they left off reading and no one would ‘run out’ of where to comment. Just an idea. Any thoughts on this approach?
Made my heart smile to see you stop by the Bistro, Anna. 🙂 I read once, “I don’t know what I’m thinking until I write it down and read it.” I don’t remember who said it but it rang true for me – probably why I ramble on so much. I can relate to what you said; just trying to pull my thoughts together. And that’s getting harder. The doctors have started me on physical therapy to me sure I maintain muscle strength in other areas. I feel like ET – Ouch. I wake up often at night thinking, well THIS position hurts. :-/ But I’m trying to write every day – if only a few dozen words. They are a dog’s breakfast but it’s something. Hope you are writing too. We can do this!
And hope you’re mom is adjusting to her place now and you’re getting a bit more rest. Big hug!
Hi, Millie. I hope the aches and pains lessen. Physical Therapy can be such a “Pain”.
In a posting on the previous site you mentioned studying a type of meditation. Two ideas: Your interests seem very varied which makes for an interesting person. When I read about “confusion”, I had a laugh. Now I know I’m not just confused but in a high state of consciousness. Always enjoy your thoughts.
Barbara, I laughed at your “interesting person” comment. My husband uses the word “interesting” when he is trying to being polite and doesn’t want to come right out and say he doesn’t like something. lololol 🙂
Oh dear Millie, I am glad you are having therapy but the pain is not nice. Make sure you have some regular pain relief and that you are kind to yourself in other ways as this part of the process can be tiring, even though it is progress.
Good girl for writing, I was so pleased to hear that. I hadn’t done any for a week…..couldn’t think of anything but Mum, but I gave my brother the first part of the book. He has encouraged me to go back and look at what I had done so I started editing a bit last night. Actually the break has been good to see things more clearly. Hearing you are writing has further inspired me to keep trying. Thanks Millie.
My husband is reading TLWH now. Funny though but he doesn’t analyse like we do, just reads. I am going to re read again so I can be more useful in discussion.
Perhaps he also absorbs as he reads. He just doesn’t analyze out loud?
Good Morning, Anna. I hope today will be a good one for you and your family. Posting really does help me to sort out what I think. I am amazed at the insights of others. I truly think I am learning to read with more care. I often read fiction and nonfiction with a certain goal in mind and pass over other components. It is like one reads when researching a very narrow idea. I look forward to reading with “new eyes”.
It’s funny Barbara but I often read, not for a specific goal at all but find common threads between one area of reading and another. I am a synthesizer, I look for connections.
Thank you for kind thoughts as always. So nice to check in and find so many well wishers. I can’t say how lovely that is, just to be able to be somewhere kind.
Hi, Lynne. Sometimes after I comment, I reread it and wonder if I said what I wanted to say. You’ve probably noticed that we sometimes add clarifications in another post. I agree that Jean Guy had turned his emotions off to be able to endure all he saw. Poor Peter had not developed emotionally because of his mother.
Glad you joined in. Look forward to your future posts.
Hi everyone, I’m very happy to see you all at The Bistro and I’m tickled to death to find we can order “Vive Gamache” mugs! Thanks, Julie, for telling us where to get them.
I was thinking about Jean-Guy and his emotional difficulties, and realizing that we actually know very little about his own background. There have been hints that his young days were not particularly happy ones, so maybe his family stunted his emotional growth in their particular way, just as Peter’s family had stunted his. Something in his background had left him so angry that he became impossible to work with, which is why he was stuck down in the evidence room when Gamache found him. He has changed a lot in TLWH, I find. He seems much more gentle and kind. Loving Annie and being loved back, no doubt is a big factor in that change.
Well, the part about Peter just going on being Peter made sense to me. 🙂
Lynne, I’m not certain my reply to you is where it belongs. I hope you find it!
Katy Gibbs here again. – I was wrong it was Nathaniel Parker – I could not get very much into
The movie mostly because Gamache did not have a British accent. I hope Molina does. Has Louise ever commented on this movie Still Life 2013?
I have arrived very late to this forum and am so grateful to have finally found it. Your drawing attention to the parallels between Jean Guy and Peter are something I wouldn’t have thought of…so a belated thanks.
Where can I buy the vive Gamache mugs? My brother-in-law and I are both Louise Penny readers and I want one for him for a Christmas gift. And one for me because…
Hi, Pat – you can buy them here:
This is Louise’s local book shop.
Thanks, Julie
Thank you so much for the link. I just ordered my own mug and tote.
A word to the wise! I love my Gamache/Three Pines mug but must advise that a dishwasher will eventually cause the stencils to disappear. Washing by hand is the way to go.
Funny story. I was in an old fashioned candy store. I saw the licorice pipes and bought one to enjoy while reading the new book. I totally forgot about it till I came across it the other day. I’ll have to enjoy here at the bistro now. Lol
Perfect timing!
Also put the series’ audio books on your Christmas list! They’re a treasure!!
Julie, page 3, 7th down, Linda’s post starts a discussion about Massey keeping one painting of Norman’s in his studio.
Yes, fine with me to continue here.
Ah – yes – thank you, Cathryne. I didn’t give this much thought as I read it (either time), but now, you are making me think, Linda! I halfway imagine that he hoped that people would think it was his, but of course, it HAD to be eating him up inside to see it every day. I would think it would fester and drive him even further into madness. You’d think it would be so painful that he would get rid of it. Someone said, but I can’t remember who – or even if it was part of a discussion here, or in the book – that maybe he couldn’t because he had to acknowledge that it was great art. He might have wanted to throw it away, but just couldn’t bring himself to. I don’t know if I think that. I do think he recognized how great it was, but whether he had enough sensitivity to not be able to destroy something beautiful, I somehow don’t think so…
Cathryne – thanks for the “review” on the coffee mugs – I often wonder about such things. I just watched “Still Life” on Acorn TV – and I see why Louise was not as pleased as she’d hoped. She has never come out and said she didn’t like what they did, but she has hinted at it by saying she finally felt that she had to “distance herself” from the production. I would think it would be very, very hard to see your creation taken up by others and dressed up a little differently. I’ve been watching “Outlander”, and I know that Diana Gabaldon had a lot of input into the series, and it shows – while it’s not the book, word for word, the feel is just right, and the casting is sublime!
I know a lot of people thought Nathanial Hawthorne would be their ideal choice for Gamache, and he was great, but pretty much the whole rest of the movie was mis-cast. I know a movie can’t possibly match what I have in my minds’ eye, but I feel like the producers just completely ignored the descriptions of people, and subsequently, the “feel” was all wrong. Of course, there were things that had to be toned down (Ruth’s language, and a lot of Gabri and Olivier’s dialog), all together – it was kind of unsettling. Like the story had been usurped and put someplace other than three pines…. such a shame. I really wanted to like it.
I very seldom see a movie before I read a book because I feel like the movie is never as good as the book, and so can act just as a “spoiler”, but even so – lots of times, I’ve enjoyed both the book and the movie. I wish this was one of those times, but it’s not.
I’m so often disappointed in the movies made from books I like that I’m not sure I’d even want to view this. For instance, why tone down Ruth’s language? I guess they could “bleep” it out as they do on The Daily Show, but that’s Ruth, that’s the character. Sigh …
Karen, I had made up my mind early on that I would probably not watch the movies. This series is so full of characters I’ve come to know and love. Louise Penny’s descriptive language could not begin to be captured on the screen without scrambling my own perceptions and ideas. Ruth’s language is part of who she is. Gamache’s strength is as much a part of what defines him as is his gentle tenderness, not only to his loved ones but to people he comes to know throughout each book.
There is so much “feeling” and mystery I’d like to just keep it on the printed page and in my mind.
Barbara, I agree so completely. Plus, I was very disappointed that Amazon Prime is the venue for the films. I feel like that’s a slap in the face of Independent book stores that helped spread the love of Gamache and Three Pines.
I did see the movie and I think it was a mistake. I would rather it would be a series, like Midsomer Murders which I have enjoyed for years.
Nathaniel Hawthorne? You mean Parker! He is a lovely actor and probably just about OK for Gamache but, as you say, the rest were horribly miscast. At least the story was almost correct. I’ve watched adaptions of books by P D James and Rosamund Pilcher where the only connection with the original was the name of the characters. The adaptors had the sauce to tell me that they had improved on the story! Why, then, buy it in the first place? Never mind, we can now look forward to “The Beast”. Here, in England, my copy is already on order.
Funny, I just stumbled onto Still Life on Netflix the other night, and thought Parker was the WORST casting mistake of all. The others — well, I could live with the choices even if they weren’t the people I’d have ‘seen.’ Gamache to my mind looks a bit like pictures of Einstein when he was in his 40s–mustached, a little rumpled, but absolutely a gentleman and a scholar with a kindly, wise, and thoughtful face. Jean-Guy, a younger Kevin Spacey. Others? They look like neighbors and friends I know. The Gabri of this production was only a tiny bit plump, while his partner looked cadaverous. Of course turning the books into a movie 90 minutes long means a lot of plot pruning, and that doesn’t work well either.
it was Nathaniel Parker who played Gamache
I prefer to read the books, I can visualize the people and the videos just lead to disappointment. We probably see the backgrounds and personalities differently, so it is nice not to have to accept another’s view.
I also do not watch a movie before reading a book that I really like. In my case, it’s not like….but love….I really love the Three Pines Mysteries. I was very curious about how the movie “Still Life” might be carried out… I actually bought the DVD (and still own it) and my husband & I watched it together. It was indeed a disappointment because it was definitely not done the way I would have liked….especially the ending. 🙁 I wish I could have been the casting director because most of the characters do not match the visualizations in my mind. I’m sorry my husband was introduced to a Louise Penny story in this manner (he is not an avid reader like myself). I can see how it must have been so hard for Louise to see what they were doing to her story and I am so sorry for her. However, this is what happens when you sell rights to your story. I certainly hope there will never be another movie made from any of her other books. — Finally, when I’m really into a book I can visualize every character just the way I want them to be. It’s so disappointing when they do not match my images. This happened many years ago when the first “Godfather” movie was made. Al Pacino was wonderful in these movies but he was not at all how I had pictured Michael Corleone while I was reading the book. — I cherish all my Armand Gamache/Three Pines mysteries….keep them coming, Louise. 🙂
If you’re also a fan of Michael Connelly, I hope you have seen the excellent job of bringing his Bosch series to TV. It’s on Amazon, so nothing had to be toned down, and Connelly was actively involved. I’ve never seen such perfect casting. They have really brought the books to life.
Eugenia, I completely agree about ‘Bosch’! It’s a winner of a screen adaptation. I have read a number of Connoly’s books only after discovering the character through the TV series. The author is an executive producer of the show, so he’s done a great job of maintaining creative control and realizing his vision. He was recently a guest host on TCM, picking crime story films all day and discussing his choices between films with the lovely and talented Ben Mankiewicz. MC has a real knack for connecting character and story and performer. The series has a great visual sensibility and wonderful soundtrack as well. Not many authors get this much say in bringing their work to the screen; he’s made the most of the opportunity.
I didn’t know about this series being produced for film! I would be afraid to watch it and have all my wonderful personal images and knowledge, and VOICES, of the beloved Three Pines characters and residents “tampered with”. I say, “voices” because I’ve only ever listened to the series! The narrator, Ralph Cosham, hits a homerun on each and every Book and character. I highly recommend listening to this series–once, twice, etc., now and in the years to come. Im so happy I have all my friends with me. I purchased them all through They are mine forever.
I was excited to see the “Still Life” movie, and then so disappointed when I did. The characters were not at all as they “should” have been. Maybe someone will redo it and do it “right”.
? In it to win it all
LP has said publicly she hated Still Life and that’s why she insisted on some control over the new one – as far as actors, story etc Time will tell
L P hated still life . This new one she was wise enough to retain creative control over the story line and the actors. Hopefully we will all be happy.
Hi Cathryne, just posted a note on thoughts regarding Jean Guy on the previous thread when I saw Paul’s comment that the Bistro was open. Love the photo – a chair by the fireplace. How perfect. Big hug of thank you, Paul!
OK, I’ll have to order some mugs. One, I love mugs and two I want to know what a licorice pipe is! 😉
Cathryne, should we continue the discussion here? I found your and Linda’s lasts comments thought provoking and would like to follow them through a bit more.
I’m loving it! Thank you, Paul – this is perfect! Linda, and Cathryne – I’d like to continue whatever conversations here – I’ve somehow gotten lost on the last threads – I see there are more comments by the number listed, but I can’t seem to find the new ones. Must be that “high state of confusion”!
It had gotten hard to find the new comments. I found myself searching for one I had read but didn’t have time to comment on till later. Took several searches to find it. This site is great.
Licorise pipes. Black licorice pipe with red candy beads, ones used to decorate cookies, glued into the bowl of the pipe.
I loved black licorice pipes when I was pregnant-an absolute craving.
One day my husband purchased an entire box of the black things and it was heaven-better even if they are stale.
I just want to say that I ordered 2 Vive Gamache mugs a couple of months ago and I love them, the quality, the size, shape, and especially the three pine trees. They came right away and, enclosed, was a licorice pipe! It was such a nice surprise that I shared half with my husband. We agreed, delicious!
Where did you order the mugs?
Hello Joyce, I am wondering where your purchased the mugs. Thanks! Pat
This is my email order contact for the mugs.
We have been inundated with orders for mugs since our favourite author posted that we sell them in her newsletter. We have unfortunately run out of stock of the mugs. We are expecting a new shipment of mugs to arrive on December 8th.
The Three Pines cafe au lait mugs sell for $20. Shipping one mug to On adds $11 or $13 for two. You can view the products on our web page or by going to the following link:
You can purchase online or give us a call at 450-242-2242.
Thank you and Vive Gamache
Lucy Hoblyn
Livres Lac-Brome Inc.
Brome Lake Books
Tel: 450 242-2242
Fax: 450 242-1368
Where did you get the mugs?
From whom did you order the mugs……I must have a couple!
Just found this website. You both may have found your answer, but for those who have not…
I have just recently stumbled upon these novels/author. I am anxious to read the first book, still life. I am an avid reader and glad to have found this forum.
Don’t hesitate! Armand Gamache series is second to none. Even better than, or in addition to, reading this series is to LISTEN to the audio books. It will enhance your appreciation of all the characters. And you’ll get to know each of them intimately.
I, too, listen to the audiobooks on my daily commute to school. I really miss Ralph Cosham, but will get used to the new reader. I do, however, cringe every time the new reader pronounces surete. I listened to a French dictionary and the correct pronunciation is like Ralph’s.
I miss Ralph! Why not replace him with a Quebecois actor/voice talent? It seems an elegant solution. I find it extremely jarring to hear the voice of Gamache sound like he just walked out of Downtown Abby… which he did. It’s an insult to 3 Pines, and all of French speaking Canada.
I miss Ralph! Why not replace him with a Quebecois actor/voice talent? It seems an elegant solution. I find it extremely jarring to hear the voice of Gamache sound like he just walked out of Downton Abby… which he did. It’s an insult to 3 Pines, and all of French speaking Canada.
Robert Bathurst valiantly took on the reading of the Inspector Gamache books following Ralph Cosham’s death. I was a great fan of Mr. Cosham, for this series and many other books, and was awfully sad to hear of his passing.
Please open your mind to a different narrator. Mr. Bathurst is excellent, and carries on the legacy with honors. He was a cast member of Downton Abbey and quite an accomplished actor. He brings much to the continuing enjoyment of the Inspector Gamache novels.
I HATE the way Bathurst narrates Gabri. Changed the whole character. It stinks.
Yes, yes, yes!!! Listen to them! I have done that with most of the books, and now am reading through the series.
Ditto! Once Roger passed, I couldn’t imagine listening to “imposters” living the lives of my beloved Three Pines residents. And Ruth! No one can do Ruth better than Roger Cosham, ma he RIP.
Now, I only read the new books. And I listen to the original narrator, Roger Cosham, religiously over and over. They are all in my audio library from I love these people! Ralph brought them to life beautifully. Each one has his or her own voice and nuances and attitudes. Thank you, Ralph.
Why did they replace Ralph as the reader?? I am not sure I will ever adapt to the new reader. I am now reading THE LONG WAY HOME and thank goodness Ralph is the narrator.
It is so interesting to have Gamache and wife living there. Bravo to Penny for coming up with this book. I never want the series to end.
I may just give up on the audio books with the change of narrator….I just cannot get used to Armand sounding as if he just stepped out of an English novel…hello…he is French! Couldn’t we have found someone who carried on with the French accent?
Where are comments from the last 5 years? Hello? No Armand is NOT French! Where did u get that idea?
When I first happened upon these books by Louise Penny it was the audio version of “How The Light Gets In”. My life has not been the same since.
Somehow, the comments early on here are jumbled up and not in any order, really, at all. Anyone who would like to make a comment and have those of us still in the Bistro see it and talk with you about the books, please just go to the bottom of the page and write in the blank there – it SHOULD then track to the bottom of page 81, where we’ll all see it. There are a few of us who are hanging around in the Bistro every day, amusing ourselves with talk of other books, other things, writing stories, etc. – we’d love to have you drop in and bring up talk of any of the books (or any other thing, really). So, rather than reply to a person or a specific post, just go to the bottom of the page and reply there – and we should see it right at the end. C’mon in… the water’s fine.
Is there a search feature for specific topics?
I’m so thrilled to have found ‘The Nature of the Feast’,
as this gift to readers answered multiple questions at once.
Kind regards,
The mugs make much excellent soup bowls!
Where are comments from the last 5 years? Hello?