In the bedroom Clara picked up the well-worn book beside Jane’s bed, C.S. Lewis’s, Surprised by Joy. It smelled of Floris. (Still Life, page 242, Trade Paper Edition)

Surprised By Joy BookOriginally published in 1955, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life is C.S. Lewis’s look back on his conversion to Christianity and the idea of what actual “joy” means to him.

The title of Lewis’s memoir comes from William Wordsworth’s 1815 sonnet, “Surprised By Joy — Impatient As The Wind”, which was written in the wake of his three-year old daughter’s death and begins as follows:

Surprised by joy—impatient as the Wind
I turned to share the transport—Oh! with whom
But Thee, long buried in the silent Tomb,
That spot which no vicissitude can find?

At face value, a strange comparison—joy and death—but the world of Three Pines, as summed up by both readers and reviewers alike, is just that, a place where light contrasts dark, goodness exists with evil, innocence engages experience, and hope flourishes with fear.

Here, Louise describes the significance of Lewis’s tome:

“I came across it early in my sobriety. And that was a magical time, because I thought I was going to die by my own hand. I was thirty-five and I couldn’t see going through another year of life, never mind another forty years. So when I asked for help and got it through a twelve step program, it seemed — and perhaps it was — a miracle. At that time, I was surprised by joy, because I had been so dark and so negative and so afraid. Then, to find happiness and the freedom that comes from not having to drink every day and finding friends, and finding myself, and finding real joy. That’s when I came across the phrase and the book Surprised by Joy.”

And this is from Louise’s January 2009 Blog Post: “At 2 years sober we’re given a medallion by our sponsors and asked what phrase we’d like engraved on it. I thought about that and chose – Surprised by Joy. A phrase I used deliberately, with gratitude, in Still Life. I keep that medallion with me always. To remember.”

Louise also had a bench made and adorned with a “Surprised by Joy” plaque for her husband, Michael’s birthday in 2007 (that’s him reflected with Trudy the dog below!). As she says, “When I met and fell in love with him I was, indeed, surprised by joy. And he was the most joyous person I’d ever met.”

Happy Birthday Michael

Sadly, Michael passed away last year and here is a rendition of the plaque that will soon be placed on a bench in New York’s Central Park. The bench sits on an idyllic hill and faces Louise’s apartment.

Surprised By Joy

The quote below from Lewis’s work succinctly sums a theme that continuously runs through the work of Louise Penny.

“I pay respect to wisdom not to strength.”

You can almost see Gamache saying those exact same words.

Discussion Question

What did Clara mean by having “Surprised by Joy” engraved on Jane Neal’s tombstone?


I love the philosophy embedded in your novels. It’s been a long time since I read Still Life, so I can’t quote anything directly, but those thoughtful gems emerge as always a surprise to me.

This is lovely. An avid reader, I have only recently discovered this body of work, and have been surprised “by the joy” of Ms. Penny’s wonderful writing. Three Pines is a place we all seek, isn’t it. In the midst of all the violence and confusion, to find this mystical collection of brilliant misfits and gifted friends, the Gamache series is a true escape. So much more is the depth of her writing and the absolute beauty of her craft. Thank you for bringing us these insights to supplement the books.

I just finished rereading the Gamache Series in its entirety, and am delighted to hear about the next, and to read all the articles you are posting.
There is so much that is so special about this series- the characters, the mysteries, the depth and breadth of your knowledge of literature, the often-present humor, and, above all, the world you have made for the cast and your readers. Words fail me. Thank you for sharing Three Pines and its denizens with us. And please, some day soon, return to Murder on the Beach in Delray Beach, Florida, so we can thank you in person.

Sat yesterday on a friend’s porch talking about one friend’s cancer and another’s divorce, sharing compassion, when a hummingbird flew up suddenly and we all laughed aloud…surprised by joy. The relationships between the characters in the Gamache novels are so appealing and, I guess, part of the surprise is that joy is found along with death.

I am so pleased to see this opportunity to discuss your books. They are, indeed, such lush layers of human nature, love of humanity, mystery, suspense, and forgiveness for the human conditions. I have long loved the phrase “Surprised by Joy,” ever since I discovered C.S. Lewis. The phrase was an old friend when it appeared upon the pages. I keep thinking about Clara, when she painted the three old friends, leaving a space for the woman she intuitively knew was part and parcel of this scene. So she would be the one to understand the spirit of the woman and celebrate her being.

Sometimes we are so busy with life, we are not truly present and sometimes when we are truly present we are surprised by joy.

I rarely find a series I love as much as this one. Louise Penney…fabulous, intelligent, loving, kind, beautiful author…so much, so many layers, such a joy to read and to anticipate another book! Thank you so much, and thank you for this column and opportunity to look deeper into the books and read the impressions of other readers.

Speaking of “Surprised by Joy”, one my very favourite books throughout the years. I was surprised with great joy at reading your your news letter with your idea of going over your wonderful books and explaining some of your characters comments. Bravo, a fantastic idea for sure. Your stories in your twelve interesting books have brought much joy to me and my love of reading. I enjoyed your ‘cookbook’ and its Three Pines recipes and my guests were pleased as well Louise , thank you for sharing your newsletters with us, thank you for sharing your travels with us, thank you for sharing your awards and recognitions with us. For me personally, thank you for sharing your God-given talents and abilities, thank you for sharing your intimate experiences and feelings, and especially, thank you for your authenticity. Counting the moments until August 29th when I can escape into “Glass Houses”. May you be surrounded with joy and kindness each new day. Blessings.

Surprised by joy—impatient as the Wind
I turned to share the transport—Oh! with whom
But Thee, long buried in the silent Tomb,
That spot which no vicissitude can find?

This is especially poignant because Joy was the name of the American woman C S Lewis fell deeply in love with–and who died much too soon….

Now I need to go back and re-read Still Life! Although I impatiently wait for the next Gamache story, I recognize the amount of research and depth of thought and insight that goes into Loouise’s writing. So worth the wait!

I read ‘Surprised by Joy’ so long ago it doesn’t bear thinking about so this idea not only brought back the joy of past reads from your Gamache Series, Louise, but also of other books that make reading such a joy. Thank you and I look forward to getting even more insight into the ‘world of Gamache and Three Pines’.
Joy: It is a beautiful word, so powerful and yet so small. It puts a smile on my lips and a warm glow in my heart. It is a word I love and love to use because it conveys so much and yet is so simple. And therefore may I wish you all great joy.

These comments are all great. Have always had a question about Still Life. What happens to Jane’s house? I think I have watched for it in all the other books, but if you tell us I missed it. I always hope the walls are preserved. I know each book can stand alone, but we do get a few flashbacks. Am hoping this could be one!

I was surprised by joy when I read “Still Life.” It had been far too long since I had encountered such richly developed characters and mysterious environments. The book was shared with every reader I knew.
For each of my husband’s 37 years of sobriety, we celebrate on his anniversity date because I am so very grateful.

Now I understand the depth of your empathy for other people. Hitting bottom at some point in our life opens our hearts to recognizing another’s capability of going to the deeper, darker places in their own life. Now I must go back to ‘Still Life’ to remind myself of Jane’s story to actually answer this prompt!

I, too, was surprised by the joyousness and ease of going into my recovery and a 12 step program. 10 1/2 years later I’m still joyous happy and free, but know that this does not guarantee a perfect and happy life. I simply have the tools to deal with what comes my way, now. One of the joys of my new life is being able to read more, and I got Still Life in the first few months of my recovery. Just another lovely blessing to have the series of books. Thank you, Louise, from a fellow trudger.

I find joy in actually feeling the characters in all of the books. The people stay with you as they are so “real” in my mind and I look forward to visiting with them again soon.

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