Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life

Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life

Still Life ss

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ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE finds our dear Inspector in France so there’s no better place to kick off our “Gamache Goes Abroad” cover musings than en français! 

And, wow, the current U.S. cover treatment of Still Life couldn’t be any different from how our French colleagues handled the look of the book. While we opted for a subtle nod to the title — the art genre that dates back to the Egyptians — the French took a more severe route, depicting a key plot point (no spoilers, please!). It’s noteworthy that both covers feature framed imagery which could symbolize a window, or, entryway, into the series. 

What do you think?

Which cover do you gravitate towards?

219 replies on “Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life”

I actually just finished this version. have it and I have always read thru the library, but a friend gave me the real paper back edition. I think that I prefer the American edition. In looking at the cover, it depicts a Still Life. if I was a painter.

I like the US version as well. Something we can all agree on is how great the book is! Wish the new book would come now – might help while away some time while stay at home!

Absolutely the American version. Color is vivid but not ‘dark’. The window allows clarity of the object from both sides. A pleasing vision of living flowers and cold & icy glass.
I do not fancy the look of a wounded fawn.

Definitely the American version. I am a little repelled by the French version. The American version is much more pleasant to the eye. I might not have read the book if the French cover was on the American book.

I prefer tge English version. It is less strident than the French. However like many readers I would’ve bought the book Regardless because it is by Louise Penny. And, there is the old adage don’t judge a book by its cover.

I think that they are both compelling. The French version is immediate and the American takes more time to move into the scene. What fun!

I too, prefer the US version as it portrays more mystery.
Wondering if there are any covers designed in Canada?

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