Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life

Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life

Still Life ss

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ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE finds our dear Inspector in France so there’s no better place to kick off our “Gamache Goes Abroad” cover musings than en français! 

And, wow, the current U.S. cover treatment of Still Life couldn’t be any different from how our French colleagues handled the look of the book. While we opted for a subtle nod to the title — the art genre that dates back to the Egyptians — the French took a more severe route, depicting a key plot point (no spoilers, please!). It’s noteworthy that both covers feature framed imagery which could symbolize a window, or, entryway, into the series. 

What do you think?

Which cover do you gravitate towards?

219 replies on “Gamache Goes Abroad: Still Life”

I am drawn to the U.S. version. Imagining a creature as beautiful and gentle as a fawn as the cover of a murder mystery as in the French version is a bit too macabre for me.

I find the original version much more tasteful and in keeping with the elegant style of writing.

I am drawn to the US art work… All the wonderful covers were intriguing and subtly calling you to open and start the journey.

I prefer the English cover for its more muted style and I find it more in keeping with the subtlety of the book. The French version has a bit too much of a “Bambi” implication for me.

The French versions seems to recall the old noir covers from the 1930s. I wonder what the point of the fence was about! I like it, and it does refer to the French title. I’d love to learn more about the practice of other countries renaming the books as opposed to simply translating them. What a fun podcast that would be!

You are right in your surmisings. The French versions of Louise Penny books are published in the collection “Babel noir”, and this book cover respects their trademark format. Check out “noir fiction” in the English version of Wikipédia, and/or “romans noirs” and “babel noir” in the French version. Ou devrais-je écrire mes commentaires en Français? And the white picket fence… it seems to me that one of the houses in Three Pines has one, non?

The French cover is much more direct and brutal with it’s hint to the story line. I much prefer the North American cover, it is subtle and adds to the mystery.

American version – but I like the window symbolism on both. Still Life was not my favorite book in the series but its tone was good at giving me the suspense/respite/suspense/respite feeling I enjoy. It also set our characters and gave us Three Pines. So yes, when I reread the series, I do begin at this point, looking in on the lives of characters I have come to love. Someone asked why I reread the whole series and not just the last book? I have my reasons, I wonder why others do?

I too like the American version better! Your books are about murder, yes, but that is not what we see right away. To me, the description of the village, people food etc are what makes them so enjoyable and exciting that I have retread the WHOLE series at least three times! Impatiently waiting for the new book!
Thank you Louise.

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