Three Pines Series Discussion

Three Pines Series Discussion

Three Pines Teaser Pic

Based on Louise Penny’s #1 New York Times bestselling novels, “Three Pines” from Amazon Prime Video and Left Bank Pictures stars Alfred Molina as Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec, a man who sees things that others do not: the light between the cracks, the mythic in the mundane, and the evil in the seemingly ordinary. 

Discuss the series with other Louise Penny fans here! 


310 replies on “Three Pines Series Discussion”

The first two episodes indicate a very professional approach….lovely scenery, stunning cinematography and lots of interesting characters. The only thing ‘missing’ for me was the village feeling, the closeness of the main characters, the sanctuary feeling of Three Pines…..no pot luck gatherings at Clara’s house or captivating conversations at Myrna’s book store…..maybe that’s all yet to come?

I liked the first 2 episodes but visualized Three Pines different. I know it is hard to find the ideal representation of the town. But I missed them driving, struggling to find the town then looking down and seeing it. I look forward to the next episodes.
I, too, thought the town folks were a little hostile to Gamache.

Watched the first two episodes. Love it. Excellent. But I agree with Louise they didn’t get the details of the characters right. Jean guy should have dark slicked back hair and no grey, the feel of the episodes is right. I thought Reine Marie would be more beautiful. Love the mix of French and English. Thought the bistro looked too American, you would not see that style of building in canada

Both episodes were well done, I thought, even though they veered from Penny’s books in many places. We have to remember that Penny herself shared that would be the case. I can only imagine how difficult and emotionally fraught that she must have felt allowing her stories, characters, even plots to change. But, she also recognized that TV/film is a different process. From what I read, she insisted and won that the films would be shot in Quebec, as they should be. Molina did a great job! Like others comments, I though Clara would be older and Jean Guy younger looking. I REALLY love the addition of Tantoo Cardinal’s character and hope she continues to be a resident of Three Pines. Looking forward to the next installment!

Am I the only one who’s a little disappointed? It’s clear right away the books and the series are going to be two completely different animals. I don’t remember the villagers being so hostile to AG’s arrival… I’ve watched the first two episodes and i agree with the Twin Peaks analogy LOL the tone is completely off – the bistro and B&B is much more welcoming, Ruth Zardo is all crass and no charm, even Myrna seems unfriendly. And where is Armand’s Volvo??? I feel as readers we’re bringing so much love to these characters we’re letting the Series makers off lightly on this one

Hello Susan,
Yes, my husband and I did the same thing…watched both episodes first thing this morning! We just couldn’t wait. I think we may watch a second time tonight after dinner. Cheers!

Big fan of the books, as are most commenter here. I have started reading the latest book and love it as usual. Watched the first two episodes of the series. I thought Alfred Molina as Gamache was excellent, far better casting Ithan in the first made for TV movie, “Still Life.” I also was surprised to see Jean Guy looking so grey. So far he also seems more on the periphery, there but not really doing much or voicing his opinions as he does in the book. I hope that changes, as he and his relationship with Gamache is an integral part of the books. I really hope they flesh out the characters more as the series progresses. The village is larger than I expected but one has to remember, this is not on a soundstage set they are filming exterior scenes, but in a real town/village. I doubt a real life replica of the fictional Three Pines exists.
I am I interestedd to see where this missing Indigenous woman story line goes. So far, enjoying the show and the latest book!

I watched both episodes last night and am with Louise Penny’s 80%; I also though Jean-Guy was younger, and there was no mention of his wife, Gamache’s daughter. I too pictured Clara as older than portrayed. There were no subtitles with translations of the French in the first episode and I found that lacking. I have read all the Gemache books and am looking forward to the new one as well as season 2 of the show.

I guess I’m in the minority, but I’m so disappointed in the series. Molina is excellent but the general vibe I am getting from the village of Three Pines is not charming or quirky, it’s dark and eerie. I am not catching any of the humor or warmth of the characters. I am trying so hard to njothis because I have been waiting in great anticipation, but it just not happening.

I watched the first one, thought maybe it would get better. I watched the second. It didnt. Watched the third one because what the heck. And the story line was not even a kissing cousin to the story written by Penny. I will not watch the fourth.

I agree. A disaster of a translation of very well written, vividly characterized content. What a injustice to each book and Louise Penny’s.
If she had written about the unjustice dealt to the indigenous community, I would have welcomed watching that particular storyline but to throw it into a storyline already perfected, shame on you for not doing either topic its just dues. What a mess.

I agree. A disaster of a translation of very well written, vividly characterized content. What a injustice to each book and Louise Penny’s.
If she had written about the unjustice dealt to the indigenous community, I would have welcomed watching that particular storyline but to throw it into a storyline already perfected, what a mess.

I agree. A disaster of a translation of a very well written, vividly characterized community of characters . What a injustice to Penny. Had she written about the unjustice dealt to the indigenous community, I would have welcomed watching that particular story line come to life.

I agree. A desicration of a very well written, vividly characterized community of characters . What a injustice to Penny. Had she written about the unjustice dealt to the indigenous community, I would have welcomed watching that particular story line come to life.

Agreed. What a injustice to Penny. Had she written about the unjustice dealt to the indigenous community, I would have welcomed watching that particular story line come to life.

What a fascinating approach to these characters who’ve been “real” in my head for so long! Town was far better portrayed than last movie’s attempt, tho church seemed too big and fancy from what I pictured. Almost all players seemed true to books. Story line was a bit too melodramatic/mystery focused when books allow more natural unfolding of cases but I guess that’s what tv requires. SO excited for next installment!

I just finished the first two episodes, and wow! I love the way they were done. The inclusion of a lot of French dialogue and music made the episodes feel very Québecois. The inclusion of the MMIWG storyline was also very well done and a good inclusion to the book. I always know that a series can’t be exactly like the books, but I think they did a good job, especially with the series skipping over Still Life and starting with the second book. I did miss Gamache’s good relationship with the villagers though, he felt much more cold towards him and them towards him. I hope this is something that changes as the series goes on, because right now it seems to be missing the homey, safe feeling of Three Pines which is what makes the place and the book series so special.

I always tread with trepidation to watch a TV adaptation or movie, because in my view, “the book is always better.” However I think they did a great job with casting and honoring the spirit of Louise Penny’s writing. I’m always a little sad to see TV characters displace the characters in my mind, but Molina was almost exactly as I envisioned him! Same with Reine-Marie. So that makes me feel I’m somewhat simpatico with Louise Penny. I’ve read every book, not yet the latest. Looking forward to it, they are always a treat to be savored.;

I enjoyed the first two episodes, casting Molina was inspired, they are therefore forgiven for getting Jean-Guy so wrong. He is far too old. I wondered if they would make Cree the Chubbo she was meant to be, they get A for effort. Keeping Cree silent on the big screen was always going to be a non-starter, I thought they managed the dialogue well.
It could do with a stronger sound track, this is disappointing and highlights the one weakness of the series. The village of three pines does not work as well as I’d hoped, this is where good music in the background may have helped.
Overall I can see why Louise gave it 80% , I will hold off on giving %ages until I’ve seen the other 6 episodes which I understand accumulate intensity each episode, like her books.
I was relaxed about the use of indigenous people which I think was cleverly done by Amazon as Louise often uses events that are based on fact that have often been swept under rug. Seeing that Canadians can sometimes behave in shameful ways is good for us.
I am a Canadian living abroad and I have heard about the horrific physical and sexual abuse in the Indian residential schools and believe it’s good to have our noses rubbed in it. We must understand that this kind of behaviour happens in our NICE country-accepting responsibility for these kinds of events is the first step to ensuring we do not behave so shamefully in the future.
I am terribly sorry these things happened and the least we can do is give them (the American Indians) some air time in what is likely to be seen by a large global audience.

i hope louise penny continues this wonderful book series. I have her new book and of course it will be wonderful

The latest book, a World of Curiosities, is her ABSOLUTE BEST Listened on Audible and Narrator was superb! Bien fait Mme Penny.

So…. I watched the series first. So I had nothing to compare it to. I’m going to rewatch now that I’ve read 4 of the book. I agree with many comments now that I’ve read the books… prior to that Three Pines is what lead me to the book series so I’m not disappointed. I’m thrilled I found the books now. So rich! Complex! Multifaceted!

It was marvelous to see these books streaming for everyone to enjoy. My only problem was the amount of French which was spoken in the first episode without translation. In the second episode they caught up with the fact that not all of us spoke French.
I hope that there will be many seasons to come. I can’t wait for next week

I’m enjoying them too- a different take on my much loved books. Number 18 is awesome! I’ve read it twice already

I think the rather mystical uncertainty works because Armand doesn’t know these people yet. He has to consider all of them as suspects, at this point. I liked the low-level creepiness:) I’ve seen just the first ep, but it was so well done! Saving the next one for tonight.

Well done Amazon! I thought the casting was spot on although I had always pictured Jean-Guy younger, and Clara older.
Loved the subplot of missing indigenous women.

Couldn’t we please have an Inspector Gamache with a French accent and mannerisms and subtle wit? Loved Isabelle and the First Nation motif and the cold. Action would have flowed more with a better sound track.

Maybe, but I’m tired of having obtrusive music and sound F.X. attacking and distracting me in American TV, so the quiet here is actually a boon.

I agree about the casting and ages of some of the characters. Also, Clara’s hair isn’t wild enough. But those are minor quibbles. The first two episodes have portrayed Gamache’s character extremely well. Can’t wait for the rest of the series!

I also pictured Jean-Guy as younger, and Clara as a bit older. But this is an excellent start to a hopefully long series!

I’ve always enjoyed Penny’s books. I also always thought they read a lot like a tv show (in a good way, very visual writing). I am over the moon about there being a series and I hope it gets 20 seasons.

I agree with Louise that I’m 80% happy with the Amazon series. I hope the locals warm up to Gamache and his group. There’s a lot of hostility that contradicts the fact that Three Pines is a refuge where people can go to heal. I like the addition of the indigenous people’s stories. The character of Myrna is off – she is not as described. I still envision her as a large black woman with a commanding presence but with warmth and intelligence. There is a danger that some characters can become caricatures and not be taken seriously – namely Myrna, Ruth and Nicole. I’m happy with the other characters -Molina is excellent. This has been a wonderful week. I read book 18 which I ended up loving. I watched the 2 first episodes on Amazon on day 1 and will re-watch before episode 3 and 4 drop. Three pines is my happy place. I hope the series lasts for years and years.

It was fantastic. Great job of capturing the book but making it your own. Loved how the scenery and the season and weather set the tone just as in the book. Can’t wait to see how the characters develop. Super job more than lived up to expectations without disappointing an avid reader.

I have just binged the episodes and am so conflicted. I have read all books in the series and consider Ms. Penny in the top 3 of my favorite writers. I mourn when I finish each book as I do not want to leave the graciousness of Three Pines. I have read the Three Pines series in its entirety twice now and will be reading them all again I am sure. My problem is that the show has flipped the image in my mind of each and every character that I have held these many years. Of course it did! It is someone’s else’s version! I knew this was coming, I just didn’t know that I would feel so strongly. In my mind, the village is not as quaint …The people are too old or not old enough…On and on I could go, but I think that you get the point. I am wondering if anyone else is feeling this? In a nutshell, strangers have replaced the “Three Pines family” that I have known and loved all these years. I guess that sums it up for me. Most likely I will continue to watch. But, for now my grief is too new to make a fair review. Keep the words coming Ms Penny. I love every one of them.

Totally agree! I refuse to let the video spoil my imagination of Three Pines! Agree that “strangers have replaced the Three Pines family.” No one but the Ruth character match my imagination. Will continue to watch, but this is Amazon’s attempt to portray Penney’s stories. Unfortunately, they failed whereas she succeeded.

I feel the same. I have reread All the books and was heartbroken watching the series. Who ever was in charge of casting never read the books!
Totally off on everyone!
This was not the village of ThreePines! Even the Bien Venue sign was off! Most of the people in this region speak French!
I don’t know if I will watch anymore.

Beautiful summing of my feelings, thank you. My calming place, much loved characters, and the desire to not have a story end are no where in this television series version of the books.

I agree with you. For no reason, the writers flipped Gabri and Olivier, changed Myrna into a scolding, average weight light skinned person, knocked 20 years off Clara, just for a start. Little development of Gamache and Beavoir’s relationship and changed the plot of all mysteries as well as simplifying them. Even the church is a big old brick thing instead of a white clapboard small sanctuary. The biggest miss are the Three Pines. What the What??

I’m inspired to start reading them all again! Loved the first episode but I had envisioned the village as more modest than the one where it was filmed. Ruth is exactly as I imagined her, some others not so much. Don’t recall so many First Nations characters in the books, but I like it.

Great #18, and a wonderful series. Can’t wait for the next two episodes to drop. I can’t wait to see 3 Pines in the summer and Spring.

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