The Bistro

The Bistro

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Join us here in The Bistro for a discussion on the entire Gamache series. Feel free to ask or answer any questions about any of the books or the series as a whole.

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Hello Cathryne! How wonderful to read your post and the descriptions of life in Arlington, which, cross all limbs and digits, is where we will be. How cool that we shall have lived in the same place! Like sharing our histories. I shall miss the worst of summer as I return to winter tomorrow and then back here for a second winter in December. Lucky I love winter.
We are in the throes of doing loads of paperwork. I had to fill in the forms in black ink and sign in blue ink and follow the instructions exactly. I was so paranoid. If I have made mistakes then hubby will have to deal with it. He of course is of to apply for a social security number later and cheques from the bank to pay for the apartment. I am going to avoid both of those jobs for now.
An advance copy!!! Lucky things. However, I do enjoy the excitement and relishing the wait as I know too well the feeling of having finished a book and then hanging out for the next one. If I read it now that would be more months to wait. Although, if I could find a way to get to a similar conference next year……
I too wonder how you are Barbara? What is the weather like? Are the flowers out and the birds singing? It was cool here yesterday morning but the as soon as the sun lifted a bit the hit built rapidly. Is it like that in Georgia?
I am intrigued by the book you read Cathryne. I shall go and look it up!
Love to all as I fill in forms and confront the tasks ahead.

Anna, I’ve been thinking about you house hunting and wishing you success. I’m so glad that you’ve found a place. It sounds wonderful, and a view! I lived in Arlington, Virginia with my family for a year when I was a junior in high school. Loved the houses, the snow days off in the winter, and so much to do. Shakespeare in the park, sitting on the grass. Concerts outside by the Potomic River, sitting on the grass again. Sledding down neighborhood streets. Many trips to the National Art Gallery. Annnnnd, The Library of Congress! I got to turn in a request for a book I had not been able to find anywhere, sit at an old, worn-to-a-soft-patina desk and wait for my book to be delivered to me! What a thrill! No checking it out, use it there only. When my dad and I left we, like everyone else, had to have bags/briefcase checked by a guard. So exciting.
I must say, though, I cringed for you when you said it was steamy because summer means opening the door to walk out of your cool building and meeting hot, humid air that feels almost solid. Still, I think and hope that you will love it. I vote for the stipend, clothes allowance, and, not least, a medal!

So happy to hear about eyes doing well, I hope that is continuing. Julie, how is your needlework going?

Barbara, I was pleased to see your post. I’ve been sending you good wishes and hugs. Hope you are getting some morning walks in, a great time to watch and talk with the birds. I saw a bluebird the other morning, always feels like a gift!

Wonderful reviews for “A Great Reckoning,” such fine news! I was very jealous reading comments to Louise’s Facebook post today, many people saying they had gotten an early copy at the conference. I wanted to reach into the computer and borrow one!

I just read a book called, “The Last Painting of Sarah de Vos” and I just loved it. A way to pass the time as we wait for August and AGR. Her attention to detail, use of art to further the plot and understand the characters reminded me of Louise Penny. Also her inclusion of moral/ethical questions faced by the various characters. The book requires undivided attention and a reread resulted in further pleasure and understanding, like Louise’s books.

My best thoughts are always here for all of you. Even when I don’t post I’m often in the Bistro petting Rosa or Henri or reading in the peace.

Dear Barbara and Julie. Thank you for the kind thoughts and wishes. We are going to apply for the very first property we saw after seeing several more today. The sun was out…it was quite steamy after the recent rain…and we saw lots of interesting things and nice areas. But going with our gut it was apartment over house in the end, a very special apartment with a lovely view. Now it is paperwork and money to exchange and see if we are accepted. Fingers crossed everyone while I look at rental furniture!

What fun! New clothes! And for parties! I’d have think I’d died and gone to heaven… of course, having a stipend would have helped a lot, wouldn’t it? I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you find the perfect place today!

How exciting, Anna. What fun along with hard work. I CAN’T EXPRESS MY JOY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. You will handle your responsibilities(opportunities) very well I am sure. Best of luck with the house hunting.

Yep lots of dinners apparently! And other social events. Apparently spouses work hard. The spouse of one of the European attache’s gets a stipend and a medal of service. I advocate that for all of us. At least a clothing allowance to attend all these functions. I have not a thing to wear. I am guessing jeans just won’t cut the mustard.
Lots of house hunting yesterday and to begin again today. Only one prospective property so far. Oh dear. It is harder than you would think. DC is a lovely town though. Very green and nice architecture.
I am still jet lagged, much more so than when I went to Dallas. I wake thinking about dinner at 530 in the morning! I have tried one local delicacy…deep fried oreos!

Yes – such an adventure. The dining room table is intriguing. Does that mean that you will be hosting dinners a lot? It occurs to me that I haven’t a clue as to what your hubby will be doing, and so don’t know what his duties might include, nor what yours might as his wife. There are a number of the kinds of jobs, I think, in DC, where the wife takes an active role in the social part of his job. Traditionally, I think there’s a bit of a throwback to a time when women didn’t “work”, so a wife was supposedly available to handle any social aspects of her husband’s job. I think that hasn’t changed that much in DC, and interestingly, when a woman holds such a job, her husband is NOT expected to fill the same role… So, there might be a few dinosaurs in DC. I’m finding the whole prospect very interesting and can’t wait to hear more about it. But for now – go! Find a house!

Hi Julie and thanks for the welcome. So far we have met some very nice people and given the craziness of most Australians everyone seems very calm and normal. Jet lag has hit us very hard as there are a lot of time zone changes between Australia and DC. We have checked out the local area a little but don’t get a car until tomorrow which has been a bit of a limitation. Just had lunch with the people we are replacing and have absorbed a lot of information. House hunting starts in earnest tomorrow after a morning of briefings and administration. Have to find a house to accommodate a big dining table that comes with the job…..not so easy. and so the adventure begins.

Welcome to the US, Anna! I hope you don’t find us too crazy over here! Hope all goes well with house-hunting – I kind of envy you, as this seems like a very big adventure!

i everyone from DC. It is a bit wet here today but nice weather should return for our house hunting early in the week. Hope all are well. Very odd to think we will be living here although I won’t for a few more months. Even odder to leave husband behind! All well here so far. I hope everyone is ok.

Love the PAIN DORÉ recipe – would never have thought of doing muesli on it, and am not sure I’m going to go out and buy muesli just for that, hahaha. But it gives one ideas of crushed nuts, or other such “crusts” to add. And now, of course, I WANT some! Maybe for lunch today.

I saw it, too, Anna, and had the same thought. How wonderful – now just make sure you live longer than me! I imagine she’s in for a few heavy years in the next few.. don’t know if she will be able to keep up the pace of one book per year, but I’ll wait. Gamache may have taught me patience!

Thanks Julie. I see it will be up to 87 degs in DC when I am there so I might need the lemonade.
Did you all see Louise’s interview at the Book Fair? Toddle over to her Facebook page and have a look. She looks wonderful and I always love hearings her enthusiasm and joy. Just what I need. The good news is she says she will write the Gamache series until she dies! Here are my wishes for a long and and joyful life Louise.

Oh, that’s not as good, is it, Anna? I’ll be thinking of you having your chocolate while I’m slavering away in the hot sun here…

Who’s for lemonade? I love the description of it on the Nature of the Feast site – the recipe is basically what I do already, but it has my mouth watering for some Meyer Lemonade… yummmm.

It is. When your eyes start changing faster than you can get used to a new prescription, it’s very hard. I was going through that, as well as the other problems. I’m hoping it settles down now, as my insurance only wants to pay for new glasses once every two years…

Yes we will be back in DC at the end of the year.
I am glad all the blind can see here again. My own eyes are changing rapidly and my new glasses are no help. Sigh. Not cataracts yet though. Reading is so much a part of who we are that any change is difficult.

I really don’t know why it would be harder to get here, Anna – it doesn’t make sense to me – something like 60% of adults are lactose intolerant in some way or another. But people seem to have gone to soy milk, or coconut milk, rice milk, etc., rather than lactose free animal milk, so it’s only very recently that you could get lactose free milk that was still a dairy product. All the plant-based milks may very well be better for you, but they all had a “funny” taste to me. I was talking to people last week who say that lactose free cow’s milk is too sweet, but I don’t notice any difference in the taste at all. Different palate’s… and no accounting for taste, hahahaha. Too bad you won’t get to do much sight-seeing. But you’ll be back later, right?

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