The Bistro

The Bistro

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Join us here in The Bistro for a discussion on the entire Gamache series. Feel free to ask or answer any questions about any of the books or the series as a whole.

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Louise is a fabulous writer and I love her characters. It is a mystery to me why she feels the need to use the f word at all. The stories would be just as good without that word. What do the rest of you fans think?

I agree on the fabulous writer comment. I think she is trying to reflect the real world her characters exist within. We are no longer living in the Victorian or even the Second Elizabethan period. I suspect the “f word” is all too common in the real world her characters are supposed to inhabit.

I agree. It makes him so much more real and believable. And reminds me of my French grandfather, whom I would sometimes overhear swearing, never saying “merde” but often “tabernac”! He never said such things in front of me, but you know how kids are–they hear lots of things grown-ups say. He was the sweetest, gentlest man, and I loved helping him in his expansive fruit and vegetable garden in Santa Barbara. And going to the beach with both him and my grandmother (also French). I learned to speak French with them quand j’etait toute petite. Je t’aime, Mémé et Papa.

I don’t mind the use of the “f” word and others in the series. These are real people, cops, and this is how they talk, really. If all the world is reduced to polite conversation, it would be unreal and frankly, boring.

I’m F.I.N.E. and reading A World of Curiosities at full speed. Love it. I may have to start the series again (3rd time) cause I can’t get enough.

I started reading Still Life when first published and immediately fell in love! I follow Louise Penny on Amazon so I’m always informed of the next book, and always pre-order so I can receive the book right away. I do have a few favorite authors I follow, so I usually can keep myself busy until the next Gamache book is released. I am so looking forward to seeing the Gamache series on Prime Video. Thank you Louise for these wonderful books!!

I started my love affair with Inspector Gamache and Three Pines during my cancer treatment journey. I literally floated away to be enveloped by Three Pines and its residents. All I can say is write faster Loiuse Penny the wait is too long for more.

I also enjoy getting “lost” in Three Pines when I need to get away from it all. May your battle with cancer be brief and successful!!!

I have loved the books for many years and the trailer looks fantastic! I’m curious to know why the characters don’t have French Canadian accents?

So this is to be a series…….I get that…….I am a bit concerned that the trailer shows snippets from many books in the Ganache series…..does that mean that have already filmed all these books? Is each episode going to one a whole book? I hope not. How many episodes in the series?

Like all LP aficionados, the woman can’t write these wonderful stories fast enough. Forgive us Louise but we wait months in anticipation for each book and then we devour them, in my case, two days tops. In reading the comments, I’m not the only one who loves 3P, the characters (long live Ruth & Rosa) and relationships anf the Food. I initially thought Alfred Molina as Gamache – are they nuts, but having matched the trailer I am anxiously awaiting Dec 2. Thanks Louise

After living with the Gamache and all the Villagers of Three Pines, I have developed a deep sense of what each of the characters looks like, the sound of each voice, the way they carry themselves. I know them intimately. The challenge for any TV or screen adaption is that whoever is cast as Gamache, or Ruth or any of the other main characters, will never match the mental image I hold in my mind of each of them. They will all fall short in myriad ways. But I will watch anyways, with the same kind of familial optimism one feels when attending a high school production of a Broadway play.

Alfred Molina was cast as Inspector Gamache in a Three Pines movie based on the Louise Penny book Still Life in 2013. Can anyone shed some light on why this fact is never mentioned?

Nathaniel Parker played Gamache in Still Life. He also played the lead in Elizabeth George’s book adaptations. I think Molina is a better fit.

I have also seen, and heard, Michael Gambon in my mind as I read the stories. I can accept Alfred Molina by in the role, but will continue when reading, to picture Mr Gambon

Nathaniel Parker was Gamache in “Still Life”. The movie was good, but he did not fit my image of Gamache totally. Too svelte, too handsome. He made a better Inspector Lynley

I love the Armand that is in my mind. This image will not be disturbed by an actor playing the Armand I love.
I have my own lovely movie rolling in my brain, thank you.

I have just finished the last book in this series. Was feeling a bit lost…..but now just discovered that Prime has the series Dec 2nd! I’m thrilled! And look forward to catching up with “old friends”. Thank you Louise Penny for your gift and hours of enjoyment I’ve spent reading and immersed in the lives of three pines residents. I will watch to see when Louise visits my “neck of the woods!”

I’m looking forward to this series also, after having read all the books (so far). Yes, I have formed images of the characters in my mind. But I also believe, and have seen, good actors bring out the essence of a character even if the physical appearance doesn’t “fit” imagination.

Hi Kathy,
I agree with your statement about good actors. I enjoy seeing plays that I’ve seen before just to experience how each new director, each new cast member interprets the play and characters. Also, I think each of us must imagine characters differently than anyone else so none of us would agree with who is casted as each Three Pines character. I’m excited about the new book coming out and will be watching the series. What a gift we’re given from Louis Penny. I so appreciate her talent for story telling and character building and look forward to visiting Three Pines each time I open one of her books. I also look forward to seeing each of her marvelous characters coming to life in the form of a television series.

Just watched the Prime Video trailer for Three Pines, and I can’t wait for the series to begin! December 2nd – just a month away. To see all of the quirky, amazing characters I’ve read about for so long on screen – that will be so wonderful. Congratulations Louise!

That full-length trailer that was released today…WOW!! It gave me goosebumps. I can’t wait to watch the series with my family so that they can finally understand my favorite book series of all time!

I can’t believe I’ve listened to so many of these books on CD (longish commute) and just now found this site! I just finished Long Way Home (Ralph Cosham’s last volume, RIP) and Nature of the Beast is on its way through interlibrary loan. Such a fan! I found this site seeking information on Baie-Saint-Paul and couldn’t be happier to be here~

I haven’t read them in order and am catching up but I am afraid I may have to start reading faster to keep a head of the series. So exciting to see Gamache will be on Prime. I can hardly wait. Please do start with Still Life.
Love the books and am reading as fast as I can.

Our local stationary store had a lovely white stone-like square coaster with the words “It’s Fine, I’m Fine, Everything’s Fine” on it! It sits next to my computer now with coffee cup or water bottle on it and makes me smile regularly! Those who have read the Gamache books will relate to this I think!

It is really hard to wait between novels! I wish she could write faster!
Looking for ways to see streaming episodes.
Attracted to the intelligence of Gamach, as well as his empathy.

I wish people would READ faster! I am fairly recently added to Ms. Penny’s fanclub so have several books to read, but they all have long waitlists and/or limited supplies. I wish Central Libraries in large cities (ahem, Phoenix!) had access to available ebooks in their branches! I’d BUY books if I could but have a very limited amount of money (on Medicare) and time (age 81).

May l send my extra copies to you? No need to pay for postage — we older readers need to stick together. Just tell me what books you’re waiting for.

I have some duplicates. Bury yout dead. Trick of the Light. If you want them, send me your address and I’ll mail them to you. MJ

Dee, I just saw your comment. I also have some books I’d be happy to send your way. Let me know what titles you’re still missing.

Is the raid where Gamache and Jon Guy are wounded in one of the books or is it just discussed in others?

Dear Sue, Gamache is a Quebecois and they do not speak the same French as those people who come from France! When I landed in Montreal in 1967 I was surprised that no one understood my lovely Parisian French – I quickly learned to speak Quebecois, with the help of some lovely friends who had originally laughed (very kindly) at my first attempts to speak French.
I own a Gamache mug and just love to have my morning coffee in it while reading a Louise Penny book.

My next-door neighbors growing up were French. I went camping with them to a “French” campground on the Eastern Shore of VA. My friend couldn’t understand the Canadians French, her brother had to translate for her. She was fluent in her mothers Parisian French.

Has anyone ever created a ‘map’ of Three Pines? If so, where could I find it? As I read the books, I can picture Three Pines but then something will come up and I’ll have to rearrange the map in my head, ‘No, Clara & Peter’s house must be over there… .’

Love the map, but would love it even more with a legend. I think I can name the buildings and home, but am not positive.

A map would be great. I can picture the row of stores but then draw a blank. Actually, I know this is a tall order but I would love to have a Three Pines Christmas Village set, complete with people and Rosa and dogs of course!
Or perhaps a diorama kit! It’s wonderful that her books have inspired people to feel such a human connection.

That sounds so wonderful! I have been reading this series for years! I hate the long wait in between books. I can’t wait for the movie in December. Debbie Hamilton

Me too! What a great idea, to have a lovely little village that I can totally relate to, with little figurines of Ruth and the duck and the gang! And it would be so awesome if it could be rigged up so that every time one turned on its power, a person could get a whiff of whatever is being cooked in the bistro! 🙂

A request of those of you Three Pines fans. I know the village is fictional, but is there an area in that part of Canada that can be toured? Any establishments resembling (or modeled) after the B&B and/or the Bistro? My wife and I are anxious to drive or travel by train, but to try to experience the country as so vividly described in Louise Penny’s Gamache series. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Go over the border from Vermont North Troy I believe, and Knowlton is just 10-12 miles away, I believ, and Sutton and several other villges that Louise Penny took bits and pieces of for her imaginary village. But the Three Pines, a sign, the bookstore the old inn/tavern Auberge Knowlton- Le Relais you can get a room upstairs, and eat downtairs. Lc Brome is real. etc. A great place for a holiday any time of year. The monastery Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac is not far.

I did not have Alfred Molina in my mind as Gamache either. However I will give the series a chance. That’s the job of an actor; to embody the character, is it not. I am assuming Louise Penny has had control over decisions and content with this endeavor.

I feel truly selfish. Louise spends months (years?) developing her stories and as soon as they come out, I crawl into bed on a long do nothing weekend, and devour the books.
She is my favorite female author. I love 3 Pines and would move there if I could find it, but only spring, summer and fall.

I am on my second round of reading the series in random order. I love that you can read this series out of order! I just started a Three Pines book club in the tiny (pop. 92) village I moved to in Colorado last year. It is in the historic registry and has two antique stores, a general store, a pizza restaurant/bar, a historic inn and a castle. One day I hope to go to Canada and try to discover Three Pines, don’t worry Louise, I won’t visit you. I may go see you on book tour if you ever come to Colorado again. My cabin has three pines in the yard and I call it Three Pines. I love Gamache and all of the characters really. Thank you for giving me a place to relax with good friends.

I agree – there is some profanity (I’m looking at you, too, Rosa, along with your “mother.”) But it’s handled well and is usually for the humor. No sex, some small amount of gore (it’s always about a murder – there’s bound to be some gore, but it’s minimal.) The thing to remember is that the characters are well drawn, and very realistic. These are not lightweight cozies, Ms Penny is a serious writer, and her stories are about bigger issues than just the murder before them.

The series is one of well developed and interesting characters, and beautifully told stories. Sometimes, the writing is so fantastic, I copy down phrases. Loved the website and feel somehow more attached by seeing the pictures. It helps to picture the characters in Three Pines. Always looking forward to the next book!

I read The Madness of Crowds first, a year ago. Then I started reading the series from the beginning. These books have so much depth and it feels as if I’m reading poetry.

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